Long-lived Self-healing Group Key Distribution Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks

The self-healing group key distribution with revocation can deal with the session key distribution problem for secure group communication over an unreliable wireless network, with the capability of resistance to the packet loss and the collusion attack. However, since previous self-healing group key distribution schemes are restricted to m sessions, they will be reset frequently, which leads to large power and bandwidth consumption. In order to prolong the life span of the self-healing group key distribution schemes and save energy, we propose an efficient long-lived δ -self-healing group key distribution scheme with revocation and collusion resistance capabilities for wireless sensor networks in this paper. Our proposed scheme is capable of supporting infinite sessions by updating the personal secret of group members during each session and performing a partial revocation. Compared to previous schemes under same conditions, security and performance analysis results show that our proposed scheme not only resolves the lifetime extension problem, but also achieves better security performance with lower storage and communication costs.

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