Trace gas emission data bases for atmospheric chemistry studies

Global data bases of trace gas emissions to the atmosphere have been compiled for the use in atmospheric chemistry studies. The resolution provided is a 1{degree} latitude by 1{degree} longitude. A series of 3 data bases has been provided. The first is an inventory of emissions of NO{sub x} from fossil fuel combustion, while the second is an inventory of SO{sub 2} emissions from the same anthropogenic source. The third database includes a global inventory of the emissions of NO{sub x} from terrestrial biomass burning and is given seasonally for the globe. The units of emission for the inventories are given as the mass in metric tons of N for the NO{sub x} inventories and metric tons of S for the SO{sub 2} inventory for each 1{degree} {times} 1{degree} grid. The emissions are expected to represent the emissions for the year 1980. The biomass burning source is given for 2 seasons where XXXXjul represents an ascii file containing the cumulated emissions for the months from April to September, and XXXXjan represents October to March. The grid for these data bases, (i,j) arrays, is (360,180), which represents 1 degree (lon,lat) resolution. The Table shows a description of each data base andmore » provides FORTRAN code, documentation, and data format for reading each array. Complete description of the emission inventory data bases can be obtained in the references listed. 5 refs., 1 fig. 1 tab.« less