Controversies in competitive intelligence : the enduring issues
Preface Acknowledgements Enduring External Context-Specific Issues in CI What are teh Enduring Issues in Competitive Intelligence? by Craig S. Fleisher What Effects Does E-Commerce Have on Competitive Intelligence Practice? by Richard C. Endrulat Are Competitive Intelligence Practitioners Professionals? by Craig S. Fleisher What Key Learning Should Corporate CI Specialiststs Acquire From Their Military Intelligence Counterparts? by Bryce McCandless Should the Field be Called "Competitive Intelligence" of Something Else? by Craig S. Fleisher Can Competitive Intelligence be Effectively Applied to Public Sector Organizations? R. Ben Wagner Enduring Issues in CI Data Collection and Analysis How Can CI Practitioners Avoid Over-relying on the Internet? by Gregory Windle What are the "Best Practices" in Using Internal Organizational Sources for Competitive Intelligence? by Gregory Tombs Why is Analysis Performed so Poorly and What Can be Done to Improve It? by Craig S. Fleisher and Babette Bensoussan How Has the Advent of the Internet Impacted the Practice of CI? by Lisa Callaghan Why Should Theory Matter to Competitive Intelligence Practitioners? by Conor Vibert How Can Customer Intelligence Analysis Systems Assist in CI? by Charles H. Davis Enduring Issues in CI Evaluation and Control How Can We Determine Which CI Software is Most Effective? A Framework for Evaluation by Paul Nikkel How do Companies Find the Best Balance Between the Technical and the Personal in Effective Competitive Intelligence Systems? by Jay Marteniuk Why Do So Many Firms Fail at Competitive Intelligence? by Kestra Self How Can Businesses Practice Competitive Intelligence on a Modest Budget? by Seema Varughese and Lilly Anne Buchwitz How Can CI Best Adapt to Organizational Change? by Kathleen LaPalme How Does Technology Competitive Intelligence Planning Change Over Time? by Mark Lengies Enduring Organizational Issues Associated With CI What Types of People Perform CI Best? A Type Indicator Approach by Robin Lahey Are There Linkages Between Theories of Intelligence and the Practice of CI? by Gregory Dilworth How Can an Organization's Culture be Changed to Better Support CI? by Lisa Moffatt and Craig S. Fleisher What is the Best Form of Relationship Between Competitive Intelligence and Marketing? by David L. Blenkhorn What is the Relationship Between Competitive Intellligence and Knowledge Management? by Victor Knip How Will These Enduring Issues in Competitive Intelligence be Resolved? by David L. Blenkhorn and Craig S. Fleisher