An Improved Biomimetic Image Processing Method

Biomimetics is a rapidly developing discipline and has been suggested applicable in machine vision and image processing because human vision system has almost evolved to be perfect. Previously proposed BA+DRF method is a biomimetic image processing method which improves images quality effectively on the basis of the brightness adaption and disinhibitory properties of concentric receptive field (DRF). However, BA+DRF is not automatic and dynamic leading to the lack of practicability. This paper proposes an improved biomimetic image processing method, the parameterized LDRF method, to make BA+DRF method more adaptive and dynamic. Parameterized LDRF method constructed a parameterized logarithmic model to automatically enhance the image's global quality and constructed a model to dynamically adjust the gain factor which is used in improving the image's local quality. The experimental results have proved its ability of enhancing the image quality with keeping details. The improved biomimetic image processing method is applicable and automatic.