Thesauri are used to provide controlled vocabularies for resource classification. Their use can greatly assist document discovery because thesauri man date a consistent shared terminology for describing documents. A particular thesaurus classifies documents according to an information community’s needs. As a result, there are many different thesaural schemas. This has led to a proliferation of schema-specific thesaural systems. In our research, we exploit schematic regularities to design a generic thesaural ontology and specify it as a markup language. The language provides a common representational framework in which to encode the idiosyncrasies of specific thesauri. This approach has several advantages: it offers consistent syntax and semantics in which to express thesauri; it allows general purpose thesaural applications to leverage many thesauri; and it supports a single thesaural user interface by which information communities can consistently organise, store and retrieve electronic documents.
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The XML Companion
Robert J. Glushko,et al.
An XML framework for agent-based E-commerce
Timothy W. Finin,et al.
KQML as an agent communication language
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Bert R. Boyce,et al.
Vocabulary control for information retrieval
J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci..
G. G. Stokes.
The New Yale Book of Quotations.
Dieter Fensel,et al.
Ontobroker: The Very High Idea
Richard Fikes,et al.
The Ontolingua Server: a tool for collaborative ontology construction
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud..