The Reactor: A Sample-Efficient Actor-Critic Architecture

In this work we present a new reinforcement learning agent, called Reactor (for Retraceactor), based on an off-policy multi-step return actor-critic architecture. The agent uses a deep recurrent neural network for function approximation. The network outputs a target policy π (the actor), an action-value Q-function (the critic) evaluating the current policy π, and an estimated behavioural policy μ̂ which we use for off-policy correction. The agent maintains a memory buffer filled with past experiences. The critic is trained by the multi-step off-policy Retrace algorithm and the actor is trained by a novel β-leave-oneout policy gradient estimate (which uses both the off-policy corrected return and the estimated Qfunction). The Reactor is sample-efficient thanks to the use of memory replay, and numerical efficient since it uses multi-step returns. Also both acting and learning can be parallelized. We evaluated our algorithm on 57 Atari 2600 games and demonstrate that it achieves state-of-the-art performance.

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