Subsets of a Finite Set That Intersect Each Other in At Most One Element

Abstract In this paper we study de Bruijn-Erdos type theorems that deal with the foundations of finite geometries. The following theorem is one of our main conclusions. Let S1,…, Sn be n subsets of an n-set S. Suppose that |Si| ⩾ 3 (i = 1,…,n) and that |Si ∩ Sj| ⩽ 1 (i ≠ j;i,j = 1,…,n). Suppose further that each Si has nonempty intersection with at least n − 2 of the other subsets. Then the subsets S1,…,Sn of S are one of the following configurations. (1) They are a finite projective plane. (2) They are a symmetric group divisible design and each subset has nonempty intersection with exactly n − 2 of the other subsets. (3) We have n = 9 or n = 10 and in each case there exists a unique configuration that does not satisfy (1) or (2).