Temperature Dependence of Triton X-100 Micelle Size and Hydration

Quasi-elastic light scattering spectroscopy was used to measure the mutual diffusion coefficient, D m , of Triton X-100 micelles in aqueous solution and the translational diffusion coefficient, D p , of mesoscopic probes in the same solutions. We apply conventional hydrodynamic treatments of diffusion under the assumption that Triton X-100 minimal micelles are adequately represented as hard spheres. D m and D p measured at a series of surfactant concentrations are used to infer the micelle radius, am, aggregation number, N, and degree of hydration, δ, for temperatures 10≤T≤50 o C. As T is increased toward the cloud point, am and N increase, the increase in N being especially dramatic above 40 o C. δ at first increases but then tends to saturate with increasing T