P.C 수직접합부에 대한 모르터의 충전성확인에 관한 연구(I) - 모르터 배합결정 및 수직접합부의 절단에 의한 충전성 확인을 중심으로 ( An Experimental Study on the Vertical Joint in P.C.Panels Filled with Mortar )
This experimental study has conducted for the two purposes. First purpose is to design mortar mixes so that it can have
a good workability. The designed mortar mixes should be
contained the structural and architectural capability of
vertical joint in p.c. wall panels. Second purpose is to
investigate whether a vertical joint can be filled with the
designed mortar and whether the designed mortar can have a
sufficient strength. As the result, we have two mortar mixes
that have enough capabilty for vertical joints.
Filling up, in vertical joint, by the designed mortars should
be noticed adhesion adhesion between joint and form.