Iconicity in Syntax: Proceedings of a Symposium on Iconicity in Syntax, Stanford, June 24-26, 1983

1. Introduction (by Haiman, John) 2. Part I: Motivation 3. Diagrammatic iconicity in stem-inflection relations (by Bybee, Joan L.) 4. Temporal sequence and Chinese word order (by Tai, James H-Y.) 5. Symmetry (by Haiman, John) 6. The inherent iconism of intonation (by Bolinger, Dwight) 7. Observations and speculations on subjectivity (by Langacker, Ronald W.) 8. The iconicity of the universal categories "noun" and "verb" (by Hopper, Paul J.) 9. Part II: Isomorphism and automorphism 10. Iconicity, isomorphism, and non-arbitrary coding in syntax (by Givon, T.) 11. The Child as a linguistic icon-maker (by Slobin, Dan I.) 12. Iconicity and grammatical meaning (by Kirsner, Robert S.) 13. some iconic relationships among place, time, and discourse deixis (by Greenberg, Joseph H.) 14. Conditional markers (by Traugott, Elizabeth Closs) 15. Part III: Competing motivations 16. "oats" and "wheat": the fallacy of arbitrariness (by Wierzbicka, Anna) 17. Competing motivations (by Du Bois, John W.) 18. The analysis-synthesis-lexis cycle in Tibeto-Bruman: a case study in motivated change (by DeLancey, Scott) 19. Index of Languages 20. Index of Names 21. Index of Topics