Goal constructs in psychology: Structure, process, and content.

[1]  J. Mathieu,et al.  Goal Orientation in Organizational Research: A Conceptual and Empirical Foundation , 1996 .

[2]  J. Bargh,et al.  Automaticity in action: The unconscious as repository of chronic goals and motives. , 1996 .

[3]  G. Weary,et al.  Causal-uncertainty beliefs and related goal structures. , 1996 .

[4]  Kevin R. Murphy,et al.  Individual differences and behavior in organizations , 1996 .

[5]  Antony Stephen Reid Manstead,et al.  The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Psychology , 1996 .

[6]  Herbert L. Petri,et al.  Motivation: Theory, Research, and Applications , 1995 .

[7]  I. Borg,et al.  Facet Theory: Form and Content , 1995 .

[8]  Jeffrey B. Vancouver,et al.  Feedback Inquiry: The Effect of Source Attributes and Individual Differences , 1995 .

[9]  Lívia Markíczy,et al.  A Method for Eliciting and Comparing Causal Maps , 1995 .

[10]  H. Scarbrough,et al.  The Social Engagement of Social Science: A Tavistock Anthology , 1995 .

[11]  Kennon M. Sheldon,et al.  Comparing differentiation and integration within personal goal systems , 1995 .

[12]  Kent McClelland,et al.  Perceptual Control and Social Power , 1994 .

[13]  J. Beckmann Ruminative thought and the deactivation of an intention , 1994 .

[14]  Stanley Wasserman,et al.  Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications , 1994, Structural analysis in the social sciences.

[15]  J. B. Vancouver,et al.  Multilevel analysis of organizational goal congruence , 1994 .

[16]  Roger C. Schank Goal-Based Scenarios: A Radical Look at Education , 1994 .

[17]  K. M. Kacmar,et al.  Goal Specificity as a Determinant of Goal Commitment and Goal Change , 1994 .

[18]  S. Epstein Integration of the cognitive and the psychodynamic unconscious. , 1994, The American psychologist.

[19]  Paul E. Levy,et al.  Moving from Cognition to Action: A Control Theory Perspective , 1994 .

[20]  W. Hacker Action regulation theory and occupational psychology: Review of German empirical research since 1987. , 1994 .

[21]  G. Kimble A frame of reference for psychology. , 1994 .

[22]  Julius Kuhl,et al.  Volition and Personality: Action Versus State Orientation , 1994 .

[23]  Edwin A. Locke,et al.  The Effects of Intra-individual Goal Conflict on Performance , 1994 .

[24]  Zbigniew Zaleski,et al.  Psychology of future orientation. , 1994 .

[25]  J. Bargh The four horsemen of automaticity: Awareness, intention, efficiency, and control in social cognition. , 1994 .

[26]  Simcha Ronen,et al.  An underlying structure of motivational need taxonomies: A cross-cultural confirmation. , 1994 .

[27]  Ruth Kanfer,et al.  Work motivation: New directions in theory and research. , 1994 .

[28]  S. Read,et al.  Dissonance and balance in belief systems: The promise of parallel constraint satisfaction processes and connectionist modeling approaches. , 1994 .

[29]  H. Triandis Cross-cultural industrial and organizational psychology. , 1994 .

[30]  Richard M. Lee,et al.  Goal continuity as a mediator of early retirement adjustment: testing a multidimensional model , 1994 .

[31]  M. Frese,et al.  Action as the core of work psychology: A German approach. , 1994 .

[32]  K. Bailey Typologies and taxonomies: An introduction to classification techniques. , 1994 .

[33]  W. Spaulding Integrative views of motivation, cognition, and emotion , 1994 .

[34]  H. Gardner The stories of the right hemisphere. , 1994, Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation.

[35]  M. Lezak Domains of behavior from a neuropsychological perspective: the whole story. , 1994, Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation.

[36]  H. Simon The bottleneck of attention: connecting thought with motivation. , 1994, Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation.

[37]  W. Fleeson,et al.  Social intelligence and intelligent goal pursuit: a cognitive slice of motivation. , 1994, Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation.

[38]  J. Bargh,et al.  Environmental control of goal-directed action: automatic and strategic contingencies between situations and behavior. , 1994, Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation.

[39]  D. Wegner Ironic processes of mental control. , 1994, Psychological review.

[40]  L. Weingart,et al.  Group goals and group performance , 1993 .

[41]  J. Pfeffer Barriers to the Advance of Organizational Science: Paradigm Development as a Dependent Variable , 1993 .

[42]  Todd D. Nelson The Hierarchical Organization of Behavior: A Useful Feedback Model of Self-Regulation , 1993 .

[43]  L. F. Barrett,et al.  Handbook of Emotions , 1993 .

[44]  Vicki G. Morwitz,et al.  Does Measuring Intent Change Behavior , 1993 .

[45]  Lyn Corno The Best-Laid Plans , 1993 .

[46]  John L. Cotton,et al.  Employee Involvement: Methods for Improving Performance and Work Attitudes , 1993 .

[47]  M. E. Tubbs,et al.  Commitment as a moderator of the goal−performance relation: a case for clearer construct definition , 1993 .

[48]  Pamela K. Thorpe,et al.  Influence of cognitive science in the development of production systems. , 1993 .

[49]  K. Nelson The Psychological and Social Origins of Autobiographical Memory , 1993 .

[50]  H. Simon,et al.  Organizations, 2nd ed. , 1993 .

[51]  L. King,et al.  Goal conflict and the self-regulation of action. , 1993 .

[52]  William D. McIntosh,et al.  Wanting but not having: The effects of unattained goals on thoughts and feelings. , 1993 .

[53]  P. Karoly Mechanisms of Self-Regulation: A Systems View , 1993 .

[54]  Ruth Kanfer,et al.  The Role of Volition in Learning and Performance , 1993 .

[55]  P. Gollwitzer Goal Achievement: The Role of Intentions , 1993 .

[56]  John R. Anderson Problem solving and learning. , 1993 .

[57]  T. K. Srull,et al.  Handbook of Social Cognition , 1993 .

[58]  Radu J. Bogdan Grounds for Cognition: How Goal-guided Behavior Shapes the Mind , 1993 .

[59]  Robert N. Singer,et al.  Handbook of Research on Sport Psychology , 1993 .

[60]  S. Fiske Social cognition and social perception. , 1993, Annual review of psychology.

[61]  C. Izard,et al.  Four systems for emotion activation: cognitive and noncognitive processes. , 1993, Psychological review.

[62]  Herbert A. Simon,et al.  Situated Action: A Symbolic Interpretation , 1993, Cogn. Sci..

[63]  James W. Pennebaker,et al.  The Handbook of Mental Control , 1992 .

[64]  Jeffrey H. Greenhaus,et al.  The career indecision of managers and professionals: An examination of multiple subtypes , 1992 .

[65]  M. Ford Motivating Humans: Goals, Emotions, and Personal Agency Beliefs , 1992 .

[66]  C. Shalley,et al.  I think I can, I think I can … Processing time and strategy effects of goal acceptance/rejection decisions , 1992 .

[67]  Carole A. Ames Classrooms: Goals, structures, and student motivation. , 1992 .

[68]  Vicki L. Goodwin,et al.  Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents of Personal Goal Level and of the Antecedents and Consequences of Goal Commitment , 1992 .

[69]  J. Cacioppo,et al.  Social psychological contributions to the decade of the brain. Doctrine of multilevel analysis. , 1992, The American psychologist.

[70]  L. A. Pervin Handbook of Personality: Theory and Research , 1992 .

[71]  B. Little,et al.  Personality and personal projects: linking big five and PAC units of analysis. , 1992, Journal of personality.

[72]  Jeffrey P. Toth,et al.  Unconscious influences revealed. Attention, awareness, and control. , 1992, The American psychologist.

[73]  R. McCrae,et al.  An introduction to the five-factor model and its applications. , 1992, Journal of personality.

[74]  H. Simon,et al.  What is an “Explanation” of Behavior? , 1992 .

[75]  L. A. Pervin The Rational Mind and the Problem of Volition , 1992 .

[76]  Marilyn E. Gist,et al.  Self-Efficacy: A Theoretical Analysis of Its Determinants and Malleability , 1992 .

[77]  Self-regulation: Bridging the Gap between Cognitive and Motivational Theories , 1992 .

[78]  Julius Kuhl,et al.  A Theory of Self-regulation: Action versus State Orientation, Self-discrimination, and Some Applications , 1992 .

[79]  B. Rapkin,et al.  Framing the construct of life satisfaction in terms of older adults' personal goals. , 1992, Psychology and aging.

[80]  B. Rapkin,et al.  Personal goals of older adults: issues in assessment and prediction. , 1992, Psychology and aging.

[81]  I. Ajzen,et al.  A Comparison of the Theory of Planned Behavior and the Theory of Reasoned Action , 1992 .

[82]  Hiram E. Fitzgerald,et al.  Analysis of Dynamic Psychological Systems , 1992 .

[83]  R. G. Marteniuk Issues in goal directed motor learning : feedforward control, motor equivalence, specificity, and artificial neural networks , 1992 .

[84]  B. R. Schlenker,et al.  Interpersonal Processes Involving Impression Regulation and Management , 1992 .

[85]  W. D. Spangler Validity of questionnaire and TAT measures of need for achievement: Two meta-analyses. , 1992 .

[86]  John G. Nicholls,et al.  Dimensions of achievement motivation in schoolwork and sport. , 1992 .

[87]  R. Ryan,et al.  Agency and organization: intrinsic motivation, autonomy, and the self in psychological development. , 1992, Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation.

[88]  S. Schwartz Universals in the Content and Structure of Values: Theoretical Advances and Empirical Tests in 20 Countries , 1992 .

[89]  D. Damos Multiple-task performance , 2020 .

[90]  E. A. Locke,et al.  Self-regulation through goal setting , 1991 .

[91]  A. Bandura Social cognitive theory of self-regulation☆ , 1991 .

[92]  Craig J. Russell,et al.  A review of the role of taxonomies in human resources management , 1991 .

[93]  I. Ajzen The theory of planned behavior , 1991 .

[94]  Edwin A. Locke,et al.  An empirical analysis of a goal setting questionnaire , 1991 .

[95]  R. Nelson,et al.  Cause Maps and Social Network Analysis in Organizational Diagnosis , 1991 .

[96]  B. Weiner Metaphors in motivation and attribution. , 1991 .

[97]  H. Klein Further evidence on the relationship between goal setting and expectancy theories. , 1991 .

[98]  R. Wood,et al.  Goal setting and the differential influence of self-regulatory processes on complex decision-making performance. , 1991, Journal of personality and social psychology.


[100]  A. Bandura,et al.  Self-regulatory mechanisms governing the impact of social comparison on complex decision making. , 1991 .

[101]  Henry L. Tosi A Theory of Goal Setting and Task Performance , 1991 .

[102]  E. A. Locke Goal theory vs. control theory: Contrasting approaches to understanding work motivation , 1991 .

[103]  R. Marken Degrees of Freedom in Behavior , 1991 .

[104]  H. Klein Control theory and understanding motivated behavior: A different conclusion , 1991 .

[105]  John W. Senders,et al.  Human Error: Cause, Prediction, and Reduction , 1991 .

[106]  M. Gernsbacher,et al.  The mechanism of suppression: a component of general comprehension skill. , 1991, Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition.

[107]  George P. Richardson,et al.  Feedback Thought in Social Science and Systems Theory , 1991 .

[108]  Albert Bandura,et al.  Human agency: The rhetoric and the reality. , 1991 .


[110]  R. Lazarus Emotion and Adaptation , 1991 .

[111]  Christopher Peterson,et al.  The Meaning and Measurement of Explanatory Style , 1991 .

[112]  A. Trehub The cognitive brain , 1991 .

[113]  Jutta Heckhausen,et al.  Motivation and action , 1991 .

[114]  Jeffrey R. Edwards,et al.  Person-job fit:: A conceptual integration, literature review, and methodological critique. , 1991 .

[115]  D. Dulany,et al.  Conscious Representation and Thought Systems , 1991 .

[116]  M. Bullock The development of intentional action: Cognitive, motivational, and interactive processes , 1991 .

[117]  Lawrence W. Barsalou,et al.  Deriving Categories to Achieve Goals , 1991 .

[118]  R. Dienstbier,et al.  Perspectives on motivation , 1991 .

[119]  A. Newell Unified Theories of Cognition , 1990 .

[120]  H. Klein,et al.  The role of goal specificity in the goal-setting process , 1990 .

[121]  P. J. Runkel Research Method for Control Theory , 1990 .

[122]  P. J. Runkel,et al.  Casting Nets and Testing Specimens: Two Grand Methods of Psychology , 1990 .

[123]  Trevor C. Bailey,et al.  Mechanisms governing organizational performance in complex decision-making environments , 1990 .

[124]  E. A. Locke,et al.  Work Motivation and Satisfaction: Light at the End of the Tunnel , 1990 .

[125]  M. Lewis The Development of Intentionality and the Role of Consciousness , 1990 .

[126]  Nancy Cantor,et al.  From thought to behavior: "Having" and "doing" in the study of personality and cognition. , 1990 .

[127]  Patrick M. Wright,et al.  Operationalization of goal difficulty as a moderator of the goal difficulty-performance relationship , 1990 .

[128]  H. Boothroyd Image Theory: Decision Making in Personal and Organizational Contexts. , 1990 .

[129]  W. Prinz,et al.  Relationships Between Perception and Action: Current Approaches , 1990 .

[130]  Robert G. Lord,et al.  Effects of valence, expectancies, and goal-performance discrepancies in single and multiple goal environments. , 1990 .

[131]  R. J. Wheeler,et al.  Life Goals and General Well-Being , 1990 .

[132]  Peter M. Gollwitzer,et al.  From weighing to willing: Approaching a change decision through pre- or postdecisional mentation , 1990 .

[133]  K L Mosier,et al.  Work in the family and employing organization. , 1990, The American psychologist.

[134]  Keith J. Holyoak,et al.  Problem solving , 1990 .

[135]  D. Mcclelland,et al.  Cognitive versus traditional motivational models: Irreconcilable or complementary? , 1990 .

[136]  N. Cantor,et al.  Personality, cognition, and purposive behavior. , 1990 .

[137]  Susan Harter,et al.  Causes, correlates, and the functional role of global self-worth: A life-span perspective. , 1990 .

[138]  Nancy L. Stein,et al.  Making sense out of emotion: The representation and use of goal-structured knowledge. , 1990 .

[139]  Perspectives on competence motivation. , 1990 .

[140]  M. Csíkszentmihályi Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience , 1990 .

[141]  C. Carver,et al.  Origins and Functions of Positive and Negative Affect: A Control-Process View. , 1990 .

[142]  H. Heckhausen,et al.  Intentional action and action slips. , 1990 .

[143]  John A. Bargh,et al.  Auto-motives: Preconscious determinants of social interaction. , 1990 .

[144]  R. Kanfer Motivation theory and industrial and organizational psychology. , 1990 .

[145]  O. John The "Big Five" factor taxonomy: Dimensions of personality in the natural language and in questionnaires. , 1990 .

[146]  P. Gollwitzer Action phases and mind-sets , 1990 .

[147]  W. Prinz,et al.  Prologue: Historical Approaches to Perception and Action , 1990 .

[148]  E. Deci,et al.  A motivational approach to self: integration in personality. , 1990, Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation.

[149]  D. Tucker,et al.  The adaptive base of the neural hierarchy: elementary motivational controls on network function. , 1990, Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation.

[150]  Robin M. Kowalski,et al.  Impression management: A literature review and two-component model. , 1990 .

[151]  John R. Hollenbeck,et al.  Investigation of the construct validity of a self-report measure of goal commitment , 1989 .

[152]  Loriann Roberson Assessing personal work goals in the organizational setting: Development and evaluation of the Work Concerns Inventory. , 1989 .

[153]  J. T. Austin,et al.  Effects of shifts in goal origin on goal acceptance and attainment , 1989 .

[154]  David C. McClelland,et al.  How Do Self-Attributed and Implicit Motives Differ?. , 1989 .

[155]  T. K. Srull,et al.  Memory and Cognition in Its Social Context , 1989 .

[156]  M. Posner Foundations of cognitive science , 1989 .

[157]  A. Bandura Human agency in social cognitive theory. , 1989, The American psychologist.

[158]  J. Houston,et al.  Identifying valued work outcomes through a content analysis of personal goals , 1989 .

[159]  P. Ackerman,et al.  Motivation and cognitive abilities: an integrative/aptitude-treatment interaction approach to skill acquisition , 1989 .

[160]  J. Seeman,et al.  Toward a model of positive health. , 1989, The American psychologist.

[161]  E. Donchin,et al.  The space fortress game , 1989 .

[162]  Michael J. Apter,et al.  Reversal Theory: Motivation, Emotion and Personality , 1989 .

[163]  Lawrence A. Pervin,et al.  Persons, Situations, Interactions: The History of a Controversy and a Discussion of Theoretical Models , 1989 .

[164]  J. Hollenbeck Control theory and the perception of work environments: The effects of focus of attention on affective and behavioral reactions to work☆ , 1989 .

[165]  A. Bandura,et al.  Effect of perceived controllability and performance standards on self-regulation of complex decision making. , 1989, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[166]  H. Klein,et al.  An Integrated Control Theory Model of Work Motivation , 1989 .

[167]  E. A. Locke,et al.  Separating the effects of goal specificity from goal level , 1989 .

[168]  Peter M. Gollwitzer,et al.  Effects of deliberative and implemental mind-sets on illusion of control. , 1989 .

[169]  L. King,et al.  Personal striving differentiation and affective reactivity. , 1989, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[170]  B. R. Schlenker,et al.  Goals and the self-identification process: Constructing desired identities. , 1989 .

[171]  H. Markus,et al.  Possible selves: Personalized representations of goals. , 1989 .

[172]  J. Brehm,et al.  Energization and goal attractiveness. , 1989 .

[173]  Richard E. Snow,et al.  Cognitive-conative aptitude interactions in learning. , 1989 .

[174]  A. Tesser,et al.  Toward a motivational and structural theory of ruminative thought. , 1989 .

[175]  J. Wakefield Levels of Explanation in Personality Theory , 1989 .

[176]  John T. Cacioppo,et al.  Social Psychophysiology: A New Look , 1989 .

[177]  E. Tory Higgins,et al.  Self-discrepancy theory: What patterns of self-beliefs cause people to suffer? , 1989 .

[178]  Fred A. Mael,et al.  Social identity theory and the organization , 1989 .

[179]  J. Brandtstädter Personal Self-Regulation of Development: Cross-Sequential Analyses of Development-Related Control Beliefs and Emotions. , 1989 .

[180]  Lawrence A. Pervin,et al.  Goal concepts in personality and social psychology. , 1989 .

[181]  J. Bargh Conditional automaticity: Varieties of automatic influence in social perception and cognition. , 1989 .

[182]  R. Larsen A Process Approach to Personality Psychology: Utilizing Time as a Facet of Data , 1989 .

[183]  Phillip L. Ackerman,et al.  Abilities, motivation, and methodology : the Minnesota Symposium on Learning and Individual Differences , 1989 .

[184]  Wayne A. Hershberger Volitional action : conation and control , 1989 .

[185]  D. Buss,et al.  Personality psychology : recent trends and emerging directions , 1989 .

[186]  Bernhard Wilpert,et al.  Applied psychology : an international review , 1989 .

[187]  B. Little Personal Projects Analysis: Trivial Pursuits, Magnificent Obsessions, and the Search for Coherence , 1989 .

[188]  G. Logan Automaticity and cognitive control. , 1989 .

[189]  Robert A Emmons,et al.  The personal striving approach to personality. , 1989 .

[190]  William M. K. Trochim,et al.  An introduction to concept mapping for planning and evaluation. , 1989 .

[191]  J. Brehm,et al.  The intensity of motivation. , 1989, Annual review of psychology.

[192]  Z. Zaleski Attributions and emotions related to future goal attainment. , 1988 .

[193]  Edwin A. Locke,et al.  Resolving scientific disputes by the joint design of crucial experiments by the antagonists: Application to the Erez–Latham dispute regarding participation in goal setting. , 1988 .

[194]  Michael E. Hyland,et al.  Motivational control theory: An integrative framework. , 1988 .

[195]  R. Marken The nature of behavior: Control as fact and theory , 1988 .

[196]  Gordon H. Bower,et al.  Retrieving actions from goal hierarchies , 1988 .

[197]  Andrew Ortony,et al.  The Cognitive Structure of Emotions , 1988 .

[198]  L. King,et al.  Conflict among personal strivings: immediate and long-term implications for psychological and physical well-being. , 1988, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[199]  M. Bullock,et al.  The development of volitional behavior in the toddler years. , 1988, Child development.

[200]  Steven D. Jones,et al.  Effects of group feedback, goal setting, and incentives on organizational productivity. , 1988 .

[201]  Z. Zaleski Close relationships and acting for self-set goals , 1988 .

[202]  C. Dweck,et al.  A social-cognitive approach to motivation and personality , 1988 .

[203]  D. McAdams Biography, Narrative, and Lives: An Introduction , 1988 .

[204]  C. Steele The Psychology of Self-Affirmation: Sustaining the Integrity of the Self , 1988 .

[205]  Charles S. Carver,et al.  A Model of Behavioral Self-Regulation: Translating Intention into Action , 1988 .

[206]  J. Hoc,et al.  Cognitive psychology of planning , 1988 .

[207]  Roger C. Schank,et al.  SCRIPTS, PLANS, GOALS, AND UNDERSTANDING , 1988 .

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[210]  M. Powell Lawton,et al.  Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics , 1988, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

[211]  Edwin A. Locke,et al.  The Determinants of Goal Commitment , 1988 .

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[214]  Wayne S. DeSarbo,et al.  Three-way scaling and clustering. , 1988 .

[215]  W. Revelle Personality and motivation: Sources of inefficiency in cognitive performance ☆ , 1987 .

[216]  John R. Hollenbeck,et al.  The effects of individual differences and goal origin on goal setting and performance , 1987 .

[217]  Reuben M. Baron,et al.  An ecological perspective on integrating personality and social psychology. , 1987 .

[218]  P. Earley,et al.  Comparative analysis of goal-setting strategies across cultures. , 1987 .

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[220]  Jürgen Beckmann,et al.  Deliberative versus implemental states of mind: The issue of impartiality in predecisional and postdecisional information processing , 1987 .

[221]  E. A. Locke,et al.  Task complexity as a moderator of goal effects: A meta-analysis. , 1987 .

[222]  Marilyn E. Gist,et al.  Self-Efficacy: Implications for Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management , 1987 .

[223]  M. Hyland Control theory interpretation of psychological mechanisms of depression: comparison and integration of several theories. , 1987, Psychological bulletin.

[224]  E. Higgins,et al.  Self-discrepancy: a theory relating self and affect. , 1987, Psychological review.

[225]  Michael Frese,et al.  Goal orientation and planfulness: Action styles as personality concepts. , 1987 .

[226]  J. Hollenbeck,et al.  Goal commitment and the goal-setting process: Problems, prospects, and proposals for future research. , 1987 .

[227]  J. Hollenbeck,et al.  Goal Importance, Self-Focus, and the Goal-Setting Process , 1987 .

[228]  Robert G. Lord,et al.  Scripts as Determinants of Purposeful Behavior in Organizations , 1987 .

[229]  N. Frijda Emotion, cognitive structure and action tendency , 1987 .

[230]  John R. Anderson,et al.  Skill Acquisition: Compilation of Weak-Method Problem Solutions. , 1987 .

[231]  A. Furnham,et al.  Goal‐based and situation‐based expectation of behaviour , 1987 .

[232]  Julius Kuhl,et al.  Motivation, Intention, and Volition , 1987 .

[233]  H. Markus,et al.  THE DYNAMIC SELF-CONCEPT: A Social Psychological Perspective , 1987 .

[234]  Robert P. Steel,et al.  A meta-analytic study of the effects of goal setting on task performance: 1966-1984 , 1987 .

[235]  P. Earley,et al.  Task planning and energy expended: Exploration of how goals influence performance. , 1987 .

[236]  Z. Zaleski Behavioral effects of self-set goals for different time ranges. , 1987 .

[237]  Ellin Kofsky Scholnick,et al.  The planning construct in the psychological literature. , 1987 .

[238]  E. Klinger,et al.  Current Concerns and Disengagement from Incentives , 1987 .

[239]  W. Lens,et al.  Affective attitude toward the personal future: impact on motivation in high school boys , 1987 .

[240]  P. Hanges,et al.  A control system model of organizational motivation: Theoretical development and applied implications , 1987 .

[241]  S. Chaiken The heuristic model of persuasion. , 1987 .

[242]  F. Weinert,et al.  Metacognition, motivation, and understanding , 1987 .

[243]  Bruce K. Britton,et al.  Executive Control Processes in Reading , 1987 .

[244]  F. H. Kanfer,et al.  A Model of Self-Regulation , 1987 .

[245]  E. Peacock,et al.  Meaning and purpose in life and well-being: a life-span perspective. , 1987, Journal of gerontology.

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[248]  Robert A Emmons Personal strivings: An approach to personality and subjective well-being. , 1986 .

[249]  L. Corno The Metacognitive Control Components of Self-Regulated Learning. , 1986 .

[250]  E. A. Locke,et al.  Using self-efficacy theory to resolve the conflict between goal-setting theory and expectancy theory in organizational behavior and industrial/organizational psychology. , 1986 .

[251]  Ed Diener,et al.  A goal-affect analysis of everyday situational choices☆ , 1986 .

[252]  M. E. Tubbs,et al.  Goal setting: A meta-analytic examination of the empirical evidence. , 1986 .

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[260]  Robert S. Wyer,et al.  The role of chronic and temporary goals in social information processing , 1986 .

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[262]  David B. Greenberger,et al.  Development and Application of a Model of Personal Control in Organizations , 1986 .

[263]  Carol S. Dweck,et al.  Motivational processes affecting learning. , 1986 .

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[271]  James T. Austin,et al.  Goal‐setting theory: Unexplored areas and future research needs , 1985 .

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