Computerized audio processor
Abstract : The Computerized Audio Processor (CAP) is a computer synthesized electronic filter that removes interference from received or recorded speech signals. The CAP automatically detects and attenuates impulse sounds and tones (e.g., ignition noise, switching transients, whistles, chirps, hum, buzzes, FSK telegraphy, etc). It also attenuates wideband random noise. All operations of the CAP are fully automatic. Input signals are processed in real time, with a maximum lag of 340 msec. The CAP implements three proven signal processing techniques. One of these (IMP) virtually eliminates most loud impulse noises. A second technique (DSS) automatically detects tones and attenuates them by up to 46 dB. The third technique (INTEL) provides up to 18 dB attenuation of wideband random noise.