Evaluation des Einsatzes von Neuen Medien im Projekt "Geoinformation - Neue Medien für die Einführung eines neuen Querschnittfachs"

New media is becoming increasingly important in university education. The hope is thereby to promote a higher quality of teaching as well as versatile and flexible means of learning and instruction. However, this goal can only be realized, if students accept these new forms of learning and instruction and actively use them to gain knowledge. In order to ensure this, an evaluation of these learning environments through the students is necessary. In this article, an evaluation will be presented, which was conducted within the framework of the BMBF-sponsored project "Geoinformation - Multimedia for a New Interdisciplinary Course of Studies". In this study, the effect of computer-based self learning modules as well as lectures with flash-animated presentations on students was examined. The focus of this learner-oriented evaluation is laid on the dimensions acceptance, didactic and medial design, the learning process and the learning results/learning transfer. The results of this study show a particularly positive assessment of the use of media for both methods on learning and instruction. However, the cognitive and motivational learning process was given relatively low ratings for both methods. The dimensions didactic design and learning results/learning transfer show similar results for both methods, whereas the acceptance by the students was particularly high in the computer-based self learning modules