Robot Cell Planning

Abstract — A new approach to determine the machine layout in flexible manufacturing cell, and to find the feasible robot configuration of the robot to achieve minimum cycle time is presented in this paper. The location of the input/output location and the optimal robot configuration is obtained for all sequences of work tasks of the robot within a specified period of time. A more realistic approach has been presented to model the problem using the robot joint space. The problem is formulated as a nonlinear optimization problem and solved using Sequential Quadratic Programming algorithm. Keywords — Robotics, Layout. I. I NTRODUCTION LEXIBLE Manufacturing Cells (FMCs) have been widely implemented in modern factories. For an efficient utilization of the material handling system used to serve the machines, the layout of the FMC must take into account the performance characteristics of the material handling system. In developing the layout of FMC served by an industrial robot, the location of L/UL points is determined by taking into consideration the reachability and mobility criteria of the robot. Using these considerations, machines are located within the feasible and achievable region of the robot. The optimal cell layout is obtained by minimizing the cycle time of the robot joints required to perform a sequence of travel. Minimizing the cycle time of the robot will enhance the production rate of the manufacturing system and increase the life of the robot. Many researchers were concerned in optimizing the travel time of the robot joints between a group of machines work sites, and in determining the optimum sequence of the robot between different worksites. Fenton et all [2], presented a method to obtain the optimal robot configurations for minimum travel time and minimum joint displacement between two positions. Dissanayake and Gal [1], propose a method to obtain the optimum sequence of travel between work sites, robot configuration and robot base location such that the total time of travel is optimized. Mata and Tubaileh [3], presented two algorithms to find the layout of machines and the feasible robot configurations corresponding to machine work sites, such that the travel time and robot joint displacement are optimized. In their study, robot operational characteristics and machine dimension and orientation are considered in developing the final cell layout.