Abstract— Planar inductors made on a printed circuit board are rather commonly employed today and there are various software applications to help the designers with their proposal. In this paper the authors describe the application called Flat Coil Optimizer developed by them. This application serves for designing proper geometrical dimensions of a single layer spiral coil made on the printed circuit board in order it achieved the desired inductance while its serial resistance is as low as possible. In order to process such optimization, two different approaches have been utilized. Firstly, the optimization can be processed analytically and secondly, Differential evolution can be applied as well. This feature allows the user to decide which method he/she wants to apply and in case of doubts the user can verify the results by employing the other method.
Roman Jasek,et al.
Coil optimization with aid of flat coil optimizer
Ivan Zelinka,et al.
Mechanical engineering design optimization by differential evolution
Stephen P. Boyd,et al.
Simple accurate expressions for planar spiral inductances
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits.
H. Greenhouse,et al.
Design of Planar Rectangular Microelectronic Inductors
Milan Adamek,et al.
Single and double layer spiral planar inductors optimisation with the aid of self-organising migrating algorithm
Pavel Vařacha.
Innovative strategy of SOMA control parameter setting
Pavel Vařacha.
Neural network synthesis via asynchronous analytic programming