Parallel performance comparison of alternating group explicit method between parallel virtual machine and matlab distributed computing for solving large sparse partial differential equations

This paper presents the parallel implementation and performance analysis of a large sparse matrix of one dimensional parabolic Partial Differential Equation (PDE) between Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) and Matlab Distributed Computing (MDC) platform. PVM is a software to perform parallel programming using heterogeneous or homogeneous clusters of parallel computing system connected by a logical network system to users as virtual memory parallel computer system. MDC is a scientific library programming language. Alternating Group Explicit (AGE) method is used to solve the parabolic equation with large sparse matrix. The distributed parallel algorithm of AGE method is implemented on the PVM with RedHat Linux operation and MDC Version 2011a. The parallel performance evaluation (PPE) is compared between the two platforms in terms of time execution, speedup, efficiency, effectiveness, and temporal performance. From the performance analysis, we can conclude that PVM is better compared to MDC.