Network dynamics in international marketing

Manufacturer-Retailer Relationships in Germany: The Institutionalisation of Category Management (L. Araujo, S. Muzas). Relationship Marketing Management: The Internal and External Marketing Dimensions of Marketing Planning (D. Ballantyne). Adaptations in Buyer-Seller Relationships (R. Brennan, P. Turnbull). The Nature and Development of Inter-Organisational Relationships: A Network Perspective (M. Cheung, P. Turnbull). From Districts to Milieux: In Search of Network Boundaries (B. Cova et al .). Case Research as a Methodology for Industrial Networks: A Realist Apologia (G. Easton). Relationship Strategy: Decisions on Valuing and Managing Network Options (D. Ford et al .). The Burden of Relationships, or Who's Next? (H. Hakansson, I. Snehota). Time and Temporality in Research Design: A Review of Buyer-Seller Relationship Models (A. Halinen). The Impact of Groupware on Relationship Management (C. Holland, R. Phillips). Strategic Marketing: Tracing the Evolution in the Network Context of Competition (U. Juettner). Winning Bids for Technology Based Capital Equipment: The Significant but Variable Effect of Buyer-Supplier Relationships (D. Large, R. More). Grounded Theory as a Methodology in Industrial Network Theory (D. McLoughlin, S. deBurca). Relationships in Banking (J. Proenca, L. Castro).