2019Background: Fusions involving oncogenes have been reported in gliomas and may serve as novel therapeutic targets. We aim to use RNA-sequencing to interrogate a large cohort of gliomas for targetable genetic fusions. Methods: Gliomas were profiled using the ArcherDx FusionPlex Assay at a CLIA-certified lab (Caris Life Sciences) and 52 gene targets were analyzed. Fusions with preserved kinase domains were investigated. Results: Among 404 gliomas tested, 39 (9.7%) presented potentially targetable fusions, of which 24/226 (11%) of glioblastoma (GBM), 5/42 (12%) of anaplastic astrocytoma (AA), 2/25 (8%) of grade II astrocytoma and 3 of 7 (43%) of pilocytic astrocytoma (PA) harbored targetable fusions. In GBMs, 1 of 15 (6.7%) IDH-mutated tumors had a fusion while 22 of 175 (12.6%) IDH-wild type tumors had fusions. 46 oligodendroglial tumors were profiled and no fusions were seen, which was lower than frequency of fusions in astrocytic tumors (34/300, p = 0.0236). The most frequent fusions seen involved FGFR...