The Effect of Disorientation and Direction of Hooks in the Input Sliver on Drafting Irregularities and Yarn Quality

In the present work, the effect of some factors on drafting irregularities has been examined at the different stages of processing and under varying drafting conditions. Investigations on sliver-to-yarn spinning system showed that feeding majority hooks in the leading direction contributed to more irregularities and the size of the effect was not dependent upon the draft or the count spun. Direction of feed of the hooks has no significant effects on irregularities at the can-fed speed frame under normal conditions. But at wider roller settings and with high fiber disorder in the input sliver, feeding the hooks as leading contributed to more drafting irregularities even at the speed frame. Again, drafting direction assumed significant influence on irregularities when very fine roving hanks were prepared by using high drafts at the speed frames. The studies also indicated poorer drafting at the front (apron) zone, with low drafts at the back zone in can-fed speed frames. Condensation of the strands between the zones helped to improve the drafting quality at the front zone. The incorporation of two additional drawing passages to the second-passage drawing sliver led to better drafting and improved regularity at speed frames as well as ring frames; this effect could be utilized to upgrade the evenness of carded cotton and man-made fiber yarns.