Numerical Simulation of Towing Stability of Barges in Calm Water

This paper presents the results of a numerical study on the towing stability of barges. Towing simulations were carried out by using two different numerical models (MMG model and cross-flow model). Stability criteria are also suggested based on the analysis of the linearized governing equations for towed vessel motion. In order to validate the present numerical models, the experimental data of Yasukawa et al. (2006) were used. Simulations were conducted for single and double barges under constant towing speed and direction conditions. The time histories of the heading angle, yaw rate, and towline tension were compared between the numerical results and experiments. The effects of the towline length on the slewing frequency and maximum heading angle were also observed. In addition, a series of numerical simulations using variable hydrodynamic coefficients were performed to investigate the effects of the hydrodynamic forces on the towing stability.