LGBTQ Cultures: What Health Care Professionals Need to Know About Sexual and Gender Diversity, 3e

The book provides a broad overview of the issues that are shared among those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, or queer, but does not provide detailed information on how to care for each specific population. When we wrote the first edition in the mid-2000s, there was much less information available on any aspect of LGBTQ health except for sexual health and some aspects of mental health. That is rapidly changing, but in our second edition, we decided to stay with our original intent to offer foundational information on LGBTQ concepts, terminology, and health disparities that cut across the subsets of the LGBTQ population. In spite of burgeoning research that documents health disparities, the research literature still lacks information on interventions and we still cannot say definitively what effect an LGBTQ inclusive healthcare setting would have on health outcomes. There is still much work to be done.