Implementation and verification of PBPK modelling codes of TCDD in rats and humans into Berkeley Madonna

The goal of the current work was to implement and verify previously published rat and human PBPK modelling codes for TCDD into Berkeley Madonna. The US‐EPA has used these PBPK models in the reassessment of TCDD. A procurement contract has been set up to explore the possibilities to adequately run the models and reproduce previously published results. The implementation of the available codes in Berkeley Madonna was carried out at RIKILT‐WUR under the framework agreement with RIVM. The results obtained with a newly coded PBPK model for TCDD in the rat in Berkeley Madonna revealed good reproducibility of previously reported graphs. A selection of key figures could be adequately simulated with the recoded models. Altogether it can be concluded that the PBPK codes for TCDD in rat and human can be adequately run in Berkeley Madonna.