
成都“优吉家”宠物幼儿园战略分析与制定,以研究创业可行性为目的,通过对企业的内部、外部环境和优势、劣势进行分析和测评,运用和五力竞争模型、swot分析法、内部因素评价矩阵、外部因素评价矩阵和内-外部因素评价矩阵等,得出在中国成都市养宠人群不断增加,以及行业在寄养模式上缺乏创新和给消费者提供安全感的大环境下,该企业的创业是具有可行性和发展潜力的。实现差异化经营,人性化、专业化服务,对现有市场进行渗透,开发潜在消费者消费潜力,最终实现店面扩张和连锁经营的远大目标。 Chengdu "Huge" pet nursery Chengdu strategic analysis and formulation in order to start the feasibility study for the purpose of the enterprise's internal and external environment and the strengths and weaknesses analysis and evaluation, and the use of five forces competitive model, swot analysis, internal factor evaluation matrix, external and internal factors evaluation matrix - external factor evaluation matrix, etc., come to keep the pet population is increasing in Chengdu, as well as the lack of innovation and industry to provide consumers with a sense of security environment in the foster care mode, the business entrepreneurs is feasible and development potential. Realize differences in management, humane, professional services, existing market penetration, consumer spending potential development potential, and ultimately achieve the ambitious goal of store expansion and chain operation.