Economic values were calculated to evaluate the economic importance of possible traits to be included in breeding goals, for different production systems of Nelore cattle. Two types of production systems (cow-calf and complete breeding cycles) were simulated for two types of herds. Herd 1 was defined as a nucleus herd (where selection was carried out and a percentage of animals were also raised for commercial purposes), with cow-calf (Cc), complete breeding cycle (Cbc) and complete breeding cycle with sales of animals for reproduction (CbcR). Herd 2 was defined as an exclusively commercial herd, with cow-calf cycle (Cc) and complete breeding cycle (Cbc). Using a bio-economic model, economic values were calculated for the following traits: weaning weight (WW), weaning rate (WR), mature weight (MW), average daily gain in feed-lot (DAG), slaughter (WS) and carcass weights (WC), young bulls' final weight (FWYB), dressing percentage (DP), feed-lot (FLFI) and pasture feed intakes (PFI). The economic values for Cbc and CbcR (herds 1 and 2) ranged from R$ 0.34 to R$ 0.40 for WW, R$ 3.51 to R$ 10.15 for WR, -R$ 0.16 to R$ 0.09 for MW, R$ 0.32 to R$ 0.76 for FLFI, R$ 1.09 to R$ 1.17 for WS; R$ 2.03 to R$ 2.19 for WC, R$ 23.89 to R$ 28.61 for YG, R$ 11.85 for FWYB, - R$ 0.45 for FLFI and - R$ 0.03 for PFI. WR and DP presented the largest impacts on annual profits in both herds. Sensitivity analyses indicated that, in general, possible changes in prices of production components and products would exert a greater influence on the economic values for those production systems with higher prices in the basic situation.
João Jorge Nassaralla Junior,et al.
Modelo bioeconômico para cálculo de custos e receitas em sistemas de produção de gado de corte visando à obtenção de valores econômicos de características produtivas e reprodutivas
R. C. Brumatti.
Desenvolvimento de um modelo bio-econômico para determinação de ponderadores econômicos utilizados em índices de seleção em gado de corte
G. Simm,et al.
Breeding objectives for beef cattle in Ireland
Norbert Reinsch,et al.
Economic values in dairy cattle breeding, with special reference to functional traits. Report of an EAAP-working group
R. Kemp,et al.
A bioeconomic model for comparing beef cattle genotypes at their optimal economic slaughter end point.
Journal of animal science.
R. Ponzoni.
Genetic Improvement of Hair Sheep in the Tropics
S. Newman,et al.
Developing breeding objectives for australian beef cattle production
J. James,et al.
On the derivation of economic weights in livestock improvement