[Trends of food consumption among Chinese population in 1992-2012].

OBJECTIVE To analyze the trends of food consumption among Chinese population from 1992 to 2012. METHODS Based on the results of 1992, 2002 and 2010-2012, data of average food consumption per reference man per day was compared. The 3-consecutive day-24-hour dietary recall was used to collect information on food intake, but the condiment intake was collected by weighting method. RESULTS The intake of cereals decreased during 1992-2012 from 439. 9 g to 337. 3 g, tubers decreased 50. 8 g during20 years. The intake of fresh vegetables was decreased from 310. 3 g to 269. 4 g from 1992 to 2012, with rural area decreased more than urban area. Fruit intake in urban area decreased from 80. 1 g to 28. 8 g, whereas rural area had minor variation. The intake ofmeats increased from 58. 9 g to 89. 7 g. There were little change on the intake of legume, dairy, fishery and their products. Intake of edible oil was increased during 1992-2002but kept stable during 2002-2012. Salt intake was 3. 4 g less in 2010-2012 than 1992 and 1. 5 g less in 2010-2012 than 2002. CONCLUSION There had been noticeable changes in dietarypattern among Chinese population in the past 20 years. Even though Chinese dietary pattern had kept stable since 2002 and had much improved, improper food consumption still existed. Double burdens should be considered as problems which asked for attention by the government and researchers.