Optical polarimetry applied to the development of a noninvasive in-vivo glucose monitor

The application of optical polarimetry, using the anterior chamber of the eye as the sensing site, is being investigated as a potential method to develop a noninvasive physiological glucose monitor. First, we present results characterizing the optical rotatory dispersion of the main optically active analytes found within the aqueous humor of the eye including, glucose, albumin, and ascorbic acid. This information is used in conjunction with multiple linear regression to demonstrate how multispectral polarimetry can be used to minimize glucose prediction error in samples containing varying physiological concentrations of glucose and albumin. For this multispectral study, a novel dual wavelength (532 nm and 635 nm) polarimeter was designed and constructed. This sensor is novel in that it provides simultaneous measurements using a 532 nm laser in an open- loop configuration and a 635 nm laser in a closed-loop configuration. In addition, we present in vivo results using New Zealand White rabbits that indicate the time delay between blood and aqueous human glucose levels is below ten minutes. Lastly, we provide preliminary in vivo polarimetric results and discuss the main issues currently hindering the measurement of glucose.