Models for reflection and learning : a culturally inclusive response to the infomation literacy imbalance
This chapter focuses on an apparent information literacy imbalance between many university students’ well developed digital skills and less developed critical awareness. The adverse effect of this imbalance on their learning may be intensified by students’ differing cultural, linguistic and educational experiences. In addressing this imbalance we propose an information literacy approach, underpinned by a series of conceptual models, which fosters the reflective use of information for learning in a dynamic and culturally diverse higher education context. The models presented in this chapter combine principles of reflective practice, action research and information literacy in a framework that provides a sound theoretical base for fostering a critical approach to information use for learning. They are intended to be used both with and by learners and they have an inclusive orientation that accommodates cultural, linguistic and educational differences. Information literacy educators may find them useful as a basis for analysing learners’ needs and for designing and implementing evidence-based information literacy responses. Learners may use the models to scaffold their ongoing information literacy development or to monitor their research progress.