The Impact of the Open Source Portfolio on Learning and Assessment

The Open Source Portfolio (OSP) software for eportfolio learning and assessment has seen widespread adoption over the last five years. This article surveys the current state of OSP development and use and shares results of research on its effectiveness, conducted through the Inter/National Coalition for Electronic Portfolio Research. OSP is being used for personal representation, teaching and learning, and assessment and accreditation. Research at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) and Kapi’olani Community College shows that use of the OSP Matrix tool can affect learning and engagement when used to promote matrix thinking, the process of reflecting on work originally created in another context in relationship to the intersection of multiple dimensions of a shared conceptual framework. Data indicates that such thinking is linked to advanced reflection, increased student engagement, and enhanced learning strategies. Research at George Mason University demonstrates that matrix thinking also can help institutions learn about their students’ practice of leadership, while Weber State University’s study suggests that OSP can create an environment for systematic assessment of general education if effectively integrated into day-to-day teaching and learning practices. The Syracuse College of Education successful accreditation using goal aware tools suggests one such means of integration.