The Identification of Local Science Learning Resources of Nusa Tenggara Timur for Developing Physics Instructions in High School

This ethnographic study attempts to explore and identify the elements or cultural phenomena that can be integrated in physics learning and introduce students to the cultural values of daily life that are aligned with physics concepts. Culture based approach of contextual learning activities allows students to (1) construct the contextual meaning, values, and knowledge builds upon their prior knowledge and experiences as members of cultural society, (2) increase their engagement in learning so they can construct the knowledge themselves, (3) undertake their own exploratory projects to investigate some aspects of culture or local science that interests them, (4) be motivated to learn physics by their own curiosity. The identification results of NTT traditional culture that can be integrated into physics instruction included the system of livelihood, technology and equipment, and arts, such as (1) the traditional systems of units and measurement, (2) Newton’s Law and its application in Pasola, traditional umbrella dance Enene, traditional house Ammu Hawu, (3) temperature, heat and heat transfer concepts in Tatobi, the cone-shaped roof function of Mbaru Niang, the making of Moke process, (4) work and energy in stone-dragging ceremony of Sumbanese megalithic royal gravestones Tena watu, Patar alu dance, (5) sound and waves concepts in Sasando, Kediding and Foy Pay, and so on. For Physics teachers to do this well, they must (1) be knowledgeable about the nature of Physics, (2) develop their own observational and exploratory skills of balancing local science with modern