Pan-American League of Associations for Rheumatology–Central American, Caribbean and Andean Rheumatology Association Consensus-Conference Endorsements and Recommendations on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Chikungunya-Related Inflammatory Arthropathies in Latin America
C. Caballero-Uribe | C. Pineda | H. Sandoval | M. Quintero | A. Sapag | R. Montufar | Y. Fuentes-Silva | María del Carmen Ruiz | J. Aguilar | P. Monge | José Manuel Vega | I. Moreno | V. Khoury | P. Camilo | R. Rivera | Juan C. Rueda | D. Jaramillo-Arroyave | J. Londoño | F. Fernández | C. Vallejo-Flores | Hugo Sandoval | J. Rueda | J. Vega