Wordcraft: Applied Qualitative Data Analysis (Qda): : Tools for Public and Voluntary Social Services

Introduction PART I: THEORY AND PRACTICE Introduction to Part I Ch 1. Welcome to the "Terminological Jungle" With Figures Ch 2. Subjectivity, Objectivity, and Ethics in Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) With Figures Ch 3. Qualitative Data Analysis: By Computer or by Hand? With Figures Ch 4. A Written Model of QDA, With Figures Ch 5. Applying the QDA Model: Coding, Memoing, Concept Mapping, and Theme Development, With Figures Ch 6. Case Illustrations: Intensive Interviewing Ch 7. Case Illustrations: Participant Observation Ch 8. Case Illustrations: Focus Groups Ch 9. Case Illustrations: Mixed Strategies of Data Collection Glossary Appendix: Selected Samples of Professional Codes of Ethics About the Author