Proposed Model for ONCHIT Pre-Case Biosurveillance Using Multiple Array Sensing and Non-Invasive Data Capture

Recent initiatives by the US ONCHIT highlight the need for electronic population health data collection relating to aspects of Public Health Case (PH Case) reporting and Adverse Event (AE) reporting. Proposed solutions to date have been primarily provider-based, limited by organization-wide startup & maintenance costs, and hampered by risk-averse data distribution policies. Little attention has been given to consumer-focused, distributed data collection models, where objective, consumer-provided standardized data can be used prior to case identification to facilitate earlier use of extensible and distributed information networks in biosurveillance. We propose here one promising model for pre-case biosurveillance management, employing the use of breath-based, multiple array sensing and data capture. The conceptual applications employed in this technology set are provided by way of illustration, and may also serve as a transformative model for emerging EMR/EHR requirements.