Produção de repolho em função da aplicação de boro associada a adubo orgânico

A field experiment was carried out in a clayey soil to determine the effects of boron fertilizer and organic manure on 'Kenzan' cabbage yield. The treatments consisted of 0; 2,0; 4,0; 6,0 and 8,0 kg ha-1 B and presence (10 t ha-1) and absence of cattle manure vermicompost (CMV) arranged in a factorial scheme (5x2). The experimental design was of randomized blocks, with three replications. The organic and chemical fertilization was applied in bands, before the seedlings transplant, and the harvest was done 75 to 90 days after transplant. The CMV application increased the cabbage yield in 3.8 t ha-1, the diameter in 0.8 cm and the cabbage weight in 170 g. The cabbage yield increased linearly with boron application and ranged from 52.94 t ha-1 to 65.95 t ha-1. The relation between soil B and yield was linear and positive.