SCAD Geo Spatial Web Solution
Local bodies like municipalities need collect different kind of taxes from the citizens. Every citizen need to pay Water Bills and Electricity Bills to the particular authorities. Actually a citizen want to pay his municipal tax means he should go to municipal office and collect the necessary bill, pay there only. Same as water and electricity bills. This is not an easy job to get all these tax information in different authorities now days. For that purpose we are developing this application, which can collect the tax information from different authorities based on the house no’s and owner name by using web services and stores the data in our own database. For getting the information regarding taxes citizens need to register first. The bill are calculating on different modes like annual, half yearly, quarterly etc... By using the user id and password citizens can log into the system and collect the necessary information from the home page. For this every user need to provide his house no and owner name. By clicking on the search button they will get their own. The smart city is equipped with the electronic circuitry where the weight of the garbage in the bin is measured and the value is updated in the database. The database of the families will be created and maintained by the municipality. A web portal gives the involved people and authorities access to the related information. A house is penalized for every kilogram more than the allotted garbage weight limit. Further enhancements are explored. Thus, the residents are incentivized to produce lesser waste.