ENMAP data product standards

EnMAP (Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program; www.enmap.org) is a German, Earth observing, imaging spectroscopy, spaceborne mission planned for launch in 2017. In order to ensure data product standards during the complete mission lifetime operational workflows are established. These cover all activities for pre- and in-flight spectral, radiometric, and geometric characterization and calibration as well as for the independent product validation of the quality controlled images. Spectral and radiometric calibration of the hyperspectral imager covering the wavelength range from 420 nm to 2450 nm is especially based on satellite onboard sources and a full aperture diffuser. Geometric calibration and validation is based on acquisitions of selected reference sites, but also compared to further ground-truth, air-, and spaceborne missions. Standardized products including geometric and/or atmospheric corrections are generated by a fully-automatic hyperspectral image processing chain.