Comparison of 'anglo-saxon' and 'french' three-mode methods

Seven methods for the analysis of three-mode data are described in terms of minimizing loss functions. On the basis of this description global and spécifie comparisons are made between a number of the methods presented hère. Spécial attention is paid to the comparison of french methods and anglo saxon methods. Mots clés: Analyse de données à trois indices. Analyse en Composantes Principales Indices de classification STMA: 06-010, 06-070 * An earlier version of this paper has been presented at the "évolution data" worleshop during the Flfth International Symposium on Data Analysis and Informatics, September, 1987. The author is obliged to Jos ten Berge and Richard Harshman for useful comments. Manuscrit reçu le 9 juin 1988 Révisé le 24 novembre 1988