Principles of sedimentology and stratigraphy

The origin of sedimentary rocks involves weathering of older rock to generate the materials that make up sedimentary rock, erosion and transport of weathered debris and soluble constituents to depositional basins, deposition of this material in continental (terrigenous) or marine environments, and diagenetic alteration during burial to ultimately produce lithified sedimentary rock. Because weathering plays such a critical role in generating the solid particles and chemical constituents that make up sedimentary rocks, the text focuses on the physical and chemical processes of weathering, the nature of the resulting weathering products, and a brief discussion of soils. The text continues with a detailed discussion of the various processes by which sediment grains are transported from weathering sites to depositional basins. Other aspects of the origin of sedimentary rocks are introduced and discussed as appropriate. URI Collections Sociology [3570] DSpace software copyright © 2002-2016 DuraSpace Contact Us | Send Feedback Theme by Principles of sedimentology and stratigraphy 