[Penetration of the esophageal and gastric ulcers to the cardioaortic system following hiatus hernia: a lethal complication in the severely-handicapped].

Among the severely-handicapped, hiatus hernia (HH) and/or gastroesophageal regurgitation (GER) are not uncommon. We report here three patients with HH and/or GER. Two of them died of massive hemorrhage in the alimentary tract from the heart or the thoracic aorta due to penetration of the gastric or esophageal ulcer. The third patient died of pneumonia, but autopsy proved multiple esophageal ulcers, one of which reached the wall of the brachiocephalic artery without penetration. We propose that proper treatment for HH and/or GER is required for the severely-handicapped, including surgical intervention, before their general conditions become worse and decompensatory.