Diffusion d’une onde par un coin

We study the Dirichlet problem for a wave outside a corner with general analytic boundary. In particular, we give the asymptotic expansion of the singularity on the diffracted cone. RESUME. Nous etudions la reflexion d'une onde par un coin a bord analytique, avec condition de Dirichlet. Nous calculons en particulier l'amplitude diffusee a hautes frequences sur Ie cone diffracte. UNIVERSITE DE PARIS-SUO, DEPARTEMENT DE MATHEMATIQUES, BATIMENT 425,91405 ORSAY, FRANCE E-mail address.P.Gerard:pgerard@matups.matups.fr E-mail address.G.Lebeau:lebeau@matups.matups.fr License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use