Last Book: The Delivery of Future Content

This paper discusses the future of the printed book. The first section considers factors contributing to predictions of its eventual demise and replacement by electronic versions, the increasing volume of digitized material, superior characteristics of digital publications, and the development of technologies that will allow the e-book to become as portable as the printed book. This section also describes the "four B's" test of portability (i.e., the capability to be used in the bedroom, bathroom, bus, and beach), current developments, and barriers to greater usage of e-books. The second section discusses the advantages of print and evidence to support the continuation of print materials. The third section considers the library's response in terms of managing print and digital collections. The fourth section addresses the importance of a common user interface to the delivery of content in the future, and the fifth section presents key properties of the library portal. The sixth section describes the four layers (presentation, applications, protocols, and contents) of the library portal and provides a diagram of portal architecture. (MES) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. The Last Book: The Delivery of Future Content 1 PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND DISSEMINATE THIS MAlL DIAL HAS BEEN GRAN! ED BY