MERRA 재해석 자료를 이용한 복잡지형 내 풍력발전단지 연간에너지발전량 예측

The MERRA reanalysis data provided online by NASA was applied to predict the annual energy productions of two largest wind farms in Korea. The two wind farms, Gangwon wind farm and Yeongyang wind farm, are located on complex terrain. For the prediction, a commercial CFD program, WindSim, was used. The annual energy productions of the two wind farms were obtained for three separate years of MERRA data from June 2007 to May 2012, and the results were compared with the measured values listed in the CDM reports of the two wind farms. As the result, the prediction errors of six comparisons were within 9 percent when the availabilities of the wind farms were assumed to be 100 percent. Although further investigations are necessary, the MERRA reanalysis data seem useful tentatively to predict adjacent wind resources when measurement data are not available.