Heat accumulators in CHP networks

In a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) network, it is sometimes optimal to install a device for storing heat from one period of time to another. Several possibilities exist. If the electricity demand is high, while at the same time the district heating load is too small to take care of the heat from the CHP plant, it could be optimal to store heat from peak periods and discharge the storage under off-peak. It might also be optimal to store heat during off-peak and use it under the district heating peak load. The storage is then used for decreasing either the district heating demand or for decreasing the electricity load used for space heating. The paper shows how a mixed integer program is developed for use in the optimization process. As a case study, the CHP system of Malmo, Sweden, is used. Further, a sensitivity analysis is elaborated in order to show how the optimal solution will vary due to changes in certain input data.