Static mechanics of the velopharynx of patients with obstructive sleep apnea.

The static mechanics of the hypotonic pharynx were endoscopically evaluated in nine sleeping patients with obstructive sleep apnea, having a primary narrowing only at the velopharynx. The velopharynx closed completely at a mean pressure of 0.18 +/- 1.21 cmH2O, and the mean half-dilation pressure was 1.93 cmH2O above closing pressure. The dependence of area on pressure was distinctly curvilinear, being steep near closing pressure and asymptotically approaching maximum area (mean = 1.32 cm2). The data for each patient were satisfactorily fitted by an exponential function (mean R2 = 0.98), and a single exponential relationship usefully represented the dependence of relative area on pressure above closing pressure for the population (R2 = 0.85). During the test inspiration, flow limitation was consistently observed when mask pressure exceeded closing pressure by 0.5-3.0 cmH2O. In summary, the static mechanics of the hypotonic velopharynx of patients with obstructive sleep apnea can be described by an exponential pressure-area relationship, with a closing pressure near atmospheric pressure and a high compliance in the range of airway pressure 0-3 cmH2O above closing pressure.