Do we really need to shift to pedestal type of latrines in India
One of the changes brought about by Western industrialization has been the posture for defaecation. The traditional posture was squatting and this remains the method used by most of the worlds population. It is only in the past hundred years or so that use of the pedestal toilet has become common in Europe North America and a few other places. Sitting rather than squatting for defaecation has been reported to be a source of many health problems. Most physiologists and physicians recognize squatting as a natural and physiologically sound posture that encourages the defaecation process. Yet there has been remarkably little medical investigation into this topic. In a normal standing or sitting posture there is anorectal angle between the rectum where faeces are stored and the anal canal. This angle is partially straightened out when squatting. This reduces the pressure required for defaecation and can help treat constipation and prevent haemorrhoids. A reduction in overall time and the number of straining episodes required for defaecation have been reported with squatting posture. (excerpt)