Tagasaste (tree lucerne) : Chamaecytisus palmensis, a browse shrub which will increase production from grazing animals.
Tagasaste is a hardy, free-seeding browse shrub which thrives on a wide variety of soil types in areas with prolonged dry summers. It can produce heavy yields of palatable, non-toxic, protein-rich greenfeed over many years. In Western Australia long-term investigations are showing that if Tagasaste is planted as a fodder crop and correctly fertilized, the stock-carrying capacity of pasture land can be markedly increased, problems associated with stock maintenance during periods of feed shortage can be minimized, erosion and soil degeneration can be arrested, and a stable system of livestock production can be evolved. Animal Production in Australia Vol. 15
[1] G. G. Stokes. "J." , 1890, The New Yale Book of Quotations.