Atlas of general surgery

Section 1 Abdominal Incisions: Midline Incision Opening and Closing. Section 2 Vascular Procedures: Excision of Iliac Arterial Aneurysm, Excision of Femoral Arterial Aneurysm, Resection of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, Aortofemoral Bypass Graft for Occlusive Disease (Leriche's Syndrome), Excision of Thoracoabdominal Aneurysms, Carotid Endarterectomy (With Internal Shunt), Excision of Carotid Body Tumor, Femoropopliteal Bypass, Femoropopliteal Bypass (In Situ), Fimorotibial and Peroneal Bypass, Hepatorenal Bypass, Aortorenal Revascularization, Splenorenal Anastomosis, Portocaval Shunt, Distal Splenorenal Shunt (Distal and Proximal), Ligation and Stripping of Varicose Veins, Renal Dialysis Access Procedures, Insertion of Tenckhoff Cotheter, Insertion of Peritoneal Shunts, Insertion of Right Atrial Catheters for Chemotherapy, Antibiotics, And Hyperalimentation. Section III Hernias: Hernia Repair: General Principles, Inguinal Herniorrhaphy: Bassini (Inguinal Ligament), Inguinal Herniorrhaphy: Mcvay (Cooper's Ligament), Inguinal Herniorrhaphy: Shouldice, Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia, Umbilical Hernia (Child), Umbilical Hernia (Adult), Inguinal Herniorrhaphy in Infants and Children, Hydrocelectomy, Hydrocelectomy: Bottle Procedure, Preperitoneal Herniorrhaphy, Repair of Incisional Hernia, Repair of Petit's Hernia, Repair of Spigelian Hernia, Excision of Benign Tumor. Section IV the Breast: Wide Local Excision Breast Biopsy: Segmentectomy, Tylectomy, Or Lumpectomy, Breast Biopsy After Needle Localization, Modified Radical Mastectomy, Insertion of Breast Prosthesis. Section V Abdominal Operations: Stamm Gastrostomy, Witzel Tgastrostomy, Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy, Witzel |Jejunostomy, Feeding (Needle Tube) Jejunostomy, Laparoscopic Jejunostomy, Heineke-Mikulicz Pyloroplasty, Jaboulay Pyloroplasty, Gastric Resection: Billroth I Anastomosis, Gastric Rediction: Billroth II, Repair of Hiatal Hernia (Nissen), Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplicaiotn, Total Gastrectomy, Total Gastrectomy (Stapler), Pyloromyotomy for Congenital Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis, Fundoplication for Gastroesophageqal Reflux in Infants and Children. Closure Perforated Peptic Ulcer, Truncal Vagotomy, Laparoscopic Truncal Vagotomy and Gastrojejunostomy, Hitghly Selective Vagotomy, Gastrojejunostomy, Gastrojejunostomy (Stapler), Enterotomy for Gallstone Ileus, Roux-En-Y Gastojejunhostomy, Roux-En-Y Gastrojejunostomy (Stapler), Meckel's Diverticulectomy, Appendectomy, Laparoscopic Appendectomy, Reduction of Intussusception, Correction of Malrotation with Midgut Volvulus. Section VI Colon: Right Coletomy, Right Colectomy (Stapler), Transverse Colostomy, Laparoscopic Colostomy, Left Colectomy, Sigmoid Colectomy, Miles Abdominoperineal Resection, Kock Pouch, Ileoanal Anastomosis, Subtotal Left Colectomy, Low Anterior Resection, Laparoscopically Assisted Ileocolectomy. Section VII Rectum: Correction of Rectal Prolapse, Hemorrhoidectomy, Drainage of Rectal Abscess, Excision of Fissure-In-Ano, Incision of Fistula-In-Ano. Section VIII Gallbladder: Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Cholecystectomy and Exploration of Common Duct, Excision of Ampulla of Vater and Bile Duct. Section IX Liver: Surgical Management of Hepatic Trauma, Segmental Hepatic Resection, Right Hepatic Lobectomy, Left Hepatic Lobectomy. Section X Pancreas: Partial Pancreatectomy (Distal), Drainage of Pancreatic Pseudocyst: Cystogastrostomy, Pancreaticofefunostomy (Puestow), Pancreaticoduodenectomy: Whipple Procedure, Pylorus-Saving Pancreaticoduodenectomy. Section XI Spleen: Splenectomy, Including Elective and Traumatic, Splenic Repair (Pediatric). Section XII Endocrine and Head and Neck Procedures: Subtotal and Total Thyroidectomy and Thyroid Lobectomy, Radical Neck Dissection with Spinal Accessory Nerve Preservation Technique, Parathyroidectomy for Hyperplasia and Adenoma, Excision of Benign Adrenal Neoplasm (Posterior Adrenalectomy, Right), Total Adrenalectomy (Anterior), Parotidectomy. Section XIII Gynecology: Abdominal Hysterectomy, Salpingectomy-Oophorectomy. Section XIV Transplantation of Organs: Kidney Transplantation, Liver Transplantation, Pancreas Transplantation. Section XV Amputation: Below-Knee Amputation, Supracondylar Amputation, Transmetatarsal Amputation. Section XVI Miscellaneous Procedures: Excision of Pilonidal Cysts and Sinuses, Axillary Node Dissection, Inguinal Node Dissection, Suture of Nerve, Suture of Tendon, Drainage of Hand Infections, Surgical Procedures for Morbid Obesity. INDEX