The Data Transfer Kit (DTK) is a software library designed to provide parallel data transfer services for arbitrary physics components based on the concept of geometric rendezvous. The rendezvous algorithm provides a means to geometrically correlate two geometric domains that may be arbitrarily decomposed in a parallel simulation. By repartitioning both domains such that they have the same geometric domain on each parallel process, efficient and load balanced search operations and data transfer can be performed at a desirable algorithmic time complexity with low communication overhead relative to other types of mapping algorithms. With the increased development efforts in multiphysics simulation and other multiple mesh and geometry problems, generating parallel topology maps for transferring fields and other data between geometric domains is a common operation. The algorithms used to generate parallel topology maps based on the concept of geometric rendezvous as implemented in DTK are described with an example using a conjugate heat transfer calculation and thermal coupling with a neutronics code. In addition, we provide the results of initial scaling studies performed on the Jaguar Cray XK6 system at Oak Ridge National Laboratory for a worse-case-scenario problem in terms of algorithmic complexity that shows good scaling on O(1 10 4 ) cores for topology map generation and excellent scaling on O(1 10 5 ) cores for the data transfer operation with meshes of O(1 10 9 ) elements.
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A Parallel Rendezvous Algorithm for Interpolation Between Multiple Grids
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Large-scale stabilized FE computational analysis of nonlinear steady state transport/reaction systems.
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Toward interoperable mesh, geometry and field components for PDE simulation development
Engineering with Computers.
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A Partitioning Strategy for Nonuniform Problems on Multiprocessors
IEEE Transactions on Computers.