Can the Hexagonal Ice-like Model Render the Spectroscopic Fingerprints of Structured Water? Feedback from Quantum-Chemical Computations

The spectroscopic features of the multilayer honeycomb model of structured water are analyzed on theoretical grounds, by using high-level ab initio quantum-chemical methodologies, through model systems built by two fused hexagons of water molecules: the monomeric system (H19O10), in different oxidation states (anionic and neutral species). The findings do not support anionic species as the origin of the spectroscopic fingerprints observed experimentally for structured water. In this context, hexameric anions can just be seen as a source of hydrated hydroxyl anions and cationic species. The results for the neutral dimer are, however, fully consistent with the experimental evidence related to both, absorption and fluorescence spectra. The neutral π-stacked dimer (H38O20) can be assigned as the main responsible for the recorded absorption and fluorescence spectra with computed band maxima at 271 nm (4.58 eV) and 441 nm (2.81 eV), respectively. The important role of triplet excited states is finally discussed. The most intense vertical triplettriplet transition is predicted to be at 318 nm (3.90 eV).

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