Cancer-related lymphedema is the result of surgical operation or radiation therapy of the corresponding lymph nodes and is due to the obstruction of the lymphatic drainage in the affected area. In lymphedema the lymphatic stasis causes an inflammatory reaction that leads to the proliferation of adipose tissue and fibrosis, resulting in mild to severe permanent swelling of the affected part of the body. It is more often found in the upper extremities of women with breast cancer. It may, however, appear at one or more extremities and may include the corresponding quadrant of the trunk. It may also affect head and neck, breast, genitals and lower extremities, depending on the surgery the patient has undergone. It is often associated with obesity (BMI>40). Early diagnosis and treatment of lymphedema is related with better therapeutic outcome. Women with breast cancer confront more problems with lymphedema than with mastectomy. Its effect on patients' quality of life is relevant to changes in body image, self-esteem, feelings of weakness, fear and anxiety about disease progression, financial costs, and reduced limb function. More recent studies support the effectiveness of contemporary surgical techniques in lymphedema's treatment. In conservative management, CDT remains the treatment of choice and in combination with exercise, weight control programs and self-care training seems to significantly improve patients' quality of life.