Specifying of requirements for spatio-temporal data in map by eye-tracking and space-time-cube

One of the most objective methods of map use evaluation (in terms of reading, analysis and interpretation. is an analysis of eye movements of map reader, known as eye-tracking method. GazePlots and HeatMaps as the most commonly used visualization methods of eye-tracking data cannot effectively express the change of time. The authors introduce a Space-Time-Cube for spatio-temporal visualization. It displays the map at the base of the cube (axes X and Y) while Z axis is used to represent time. Spatial and temporal components of a map are shown together, and relationship between space and time can be revealed. During the authors’ research, the user interaction over the map legend of agriculture of the Czech Republic school maps was tested. Space-Time-Cube displayed both components (spatial and temporal) together and allowed easy visual analysis of four respondents’ (map readers’) work with a map. Using Space- Time-Cube for visual analysis provides satisfactory results, although this form of visualization is not widespread and for someone it may seem complex and confusing.